Advanced Watertek manufactures robust greywater treatment plants to effectively clean and recycle the greywater. Whether the grey water contains organic, inorganic, or microbial contaminants, our grey water treatment systems are custom-engineered to help you in attaining the desired quality of water
Our typical grey water treatment plant will include one or more treatment methods like aerobic and biological treatments, often followed by Ultrafiltration.
We offer organizations an effective ‘green’ solution with the implementation of greywater recycling
After a site visit and an understanding of your requirements, our design team develops a customized solution that is apt for your needs. Applications for greywater recycling and reuse are toilet flushing, irrigation, and other non-potable uses in commercial, residential, and industrial buildings. This helps conserve water, making the building ‘greener’. Grey water generated on ships can also be recycled back for toilet flushing and cleaning purposes on the ship.
Grey Water (also called Graywater or Greywater) consists of discharges from shower water, laundries, kitchen sinks, and water fountains (i.e wastewater from residential and commercial buildings from all streams except for that from toilets). It can contain bacteria, pathogens, oil and grease, and detergent and soap residue.
Grey water recycling is now a common practice in most reputed commercial and residential buildings. It involves treating the wastewater from sinks and showers and reusing it in toilets or gardens. Greywater recycling helps reduce your carbon footprint by recycling water that would otherwise have been discharged and disposed into the sea or ground. If you see a slight yellowish tinge in the toilet flush at a mall, chances are they are recycling greywater generated in the building…and saving the environment.