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What are Fail Safe Devices?

Advanced Watertek

Updated: Feb 2, 2024

Our world today is teeming with machines of various complexities and functionalities. From simple tools to intricate devices, machines play a pivotal role in our daily lives. At the heart of these machines lies a core concept that is often overlooked: safety.

One major strategy in machine safety is the inclusion of fail-safe devices, engineered mechanisms designed to react in a predefined manner when faced with unforeseen operational circumstances.

What are Fail-Safe Devices?

In the world of machinery, fail-safe devices are safety measures installed to preserve the integrity of a system, the environment in which it operates, and the people who handle it. These devices essentially ensure that a system fails in a manner that prevents catastrophic damage and minimizes operational risks. In simpler terms, they make sure a machine 'fails safely.'

Fail-safe devices aren't just optional extras; they are integral components of numerous machines, playing a critical role in the machine's operation and safety. A common example of fail-safe devices we see in our everyday lives are electrical fuses in our homes that trip and cut the current supply if overloaded, preventing a potentially dangerous situation of wire damage or fire.

Fail Safe Devices in RO System

In Reverse Osmosis (RO) systems, these safety devices continually monitor the system's vital parameters, such as pressure, and they guarantee that these parameters don't cross the defined safe levels.

Fail-safe devices are inbuilt in any robust safety protocol within a machine, shielding it from unpredictable events that might jeopardize the machine’s operation.

Why should fail-safe devices be included in machines?

Mechanical glitches in machines are expected during operations. The consequences of some of these glitches could be potentially detrimental to the whole machine, operations, or even safety of people on site. Since manual monitoring of all parts is not possible all the time, a fail-safe device is added to the machines to avoid such situations, by monitoring key metrics and shutting off the system before it does any harm to the parts within or people on site.

Fail safe devices perform two important roles:

- Trigger an alert to operators of any unexpected operational activity.

- Take the first measure of safety by shutting off the system part that is possibly faulty before it harms the system.

What can happen is fail-safe devices are not included in an RO System?

The consequences of unchecked pressure in a system like an RO can be drastic. For instance, a sudden surge in pressure can lead to the bursting of valves, which may result in considerable damage to the machine and its surrounding environment.

Further, membranes, which are pivotal in the functioning of RO systems, can also be severely damaged under excessive pressure. This increases operational costs due to replacements and compromises the quality of the water produced.

In a worst-case scenario, unchecked pressure could lead to the failure of the pumps themselves, leading to a complete breakdown of the system.

Safety Measures in Advanced Watertek's RO Systems

Advanced Watertek incorporates several fail-safe devices into their RO systems to mitigate these potential hazards.

To start with, the high-pressure pump is equipped with an electronic switch designed to automatically trip if the pressure exceeds the pre-set level. This instant response provides a first line of defense against potentially dangerous pressure levels.

Fail Safe Devices in RO System

The next safety measure is the high-pressure relief valve. This is designed to release pressure if it further increases beyond the level at which the electronic switch has already tripped. This mechanism serves as a secondary layer of

protection, ensuring the safety of the system and those operating it.

Furthermore, Advanced Watertek’s systems come with electronic switches and pressure relief valves for feed water, product water, and reject water. These extra layers of protection ensure all areas of the system are monitored and safeguarded.

Fail Safe Devices in RO System

At the helm of the RO system’s safety mechanisms is the control panel. This panel serves as the central hub for the entire operation, providing a user-friendly interface for managing and monitoring the fail-safe devices. It displays real-time updates of the pressure levels and triggers alarms that alert operators of any situation that requires immediate attention.

More than just pressure management, the control panel also keeps tabs on potential electrical failures and provides continual updates on the product water quality. This kind of comprehensive oversight allows for the proactive

handling of potential issues and promotes the optimum performance of the RO system.

Fail Safe Devices in RO System

Another feature in Advanced Watertek’s RO system is the chemical dosing pump's built-in switch. This switch triggers an indicator on the control panel if the liquid level in the tank drops too low. This reminder helps the operator to timely refill the tank, ensuring the quality of water remains at an optimum level. This function is crucial in maintaining water quality standards, avoiding costly downtimes, and ensuring efficient operations.

Advanced Watertek: A Testament to Safety and Quality

The role of fail-safe devices in machines, and particularly in RO systems, cannot be understated. Advanced Watertek, in understanding the potential risks of system failure, has gone beyond industry norms to integrate comprehensive fail-safe devices into our products.

The inclusion of electronic switches, pressure relief valves, and chemical dosing pump's low-level liquid indicator, demonstrate the company's commitment to ensuring safety, quality, and reliability.

Advanced Watertek's approach serves as a model for how fail-safe devices can, and should, be incorporated into machinery. The company's proactive efforts in ensuring that our RO systems 'fail safely' when something goes wrong is a testament to our commitment to quality, operational safety, and customer satisfaction.

Our diligence in going the extra mile sets them apart in the industry and highlights the critical importance of fail-safe devices in our increasingly mechanized world.

Contact us to find out more about our worldclass membrane-based solutions.

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